few-body distribution câu
a few
We'll have these, but we should hide a few.Chúng ta sẽ sử dụng chỗ này, nhưng phải giấu 1 ít đi. Could you watch them a few minutes?Có...

We'll have these, but we should hide a few.Chúng ta sẽ sử dụng chỗ này, nhưng phải giấu 1 ít đi. Could you watch them a few minutes?Có...

the few
As one of the few Republicans in the room, it needs to be said.Là một người phe Cộng hòa, tôi cần phải nói thế này. And the few men le...

His body normalized as he had trained it to.Cơ thể trở lại bình thường như lúc anh ta tập luyện They brought me your grandfather's bod...

Gerdi was responsible for the card cloning and for distribution of the entry-cards to BND.Gerdi phụ trách in sao thẻ từ và cấp thẻ ra v...

A Student’s t-distribution is similar to a normal (or Gaussian) distribution.Phân phối t Student tương tự như phân phối chuẩn (hay còn ...

a few days
There are only a few days until the art is moved.Chỉ còn có vài ngày trước khi bức tranh bị chuyển đi. She's gonna be up and around in...

a good few
Oh, I don't know for sure, but a good few miles.Tôi không chắc lắm đâu, nếu mà vài dặm nữa thì tốt. And they were all nearer Fi’s age ...

few in number
The Goblin King was a rare monster, few in number within this forest.Vua Goblin trong khu rừng này là ma thú hiếm, chỉ có vài con. It ...

in a few minutes
He'll bleed out, and go into shock and die in a few minutes.Sẽ tràn ra ngoài, sốc và chết trong vòng vài phút nữa. In a few minutes, G...

of few words
A clown of few words, he says so much:Cố Ninh có chút buồn cười, lời ít mà ý nhiều nói ra: John is a stoic-type man; a man of few word...

quite a few
Yeah, Occura's been, uh, gestating for... quite a few years.Phải, Occura đang trong quá trình thai nghén cho...vài năm tới. That's qui...

some few
You should start believing that there are still some few good men out there.’Em muốn tin rằng vẫn còn một ít đàn ông thành thật.” Howe...

a few crumbs of information
It’s just a few crumbs of information.a few crumbs of information một vài mẩu tin

a few hours of quiet
We'll give you a few hours of quiet time to reflect on what you did to Del.Cho anh vài giờ suy gẫm lại chuyện anh làm với Del. What is...

a few words of comfort
Just a few words of comfort for you.Chỉ một ít lời an ủi ông. The Holy Father greeted all those present, exchanging a few words of com...

a man of few words
John is a stoic-type man; a man of few words.Peter is a man of few words: Peter là người đàn ông ít nói. My dad was a man of few words...

add a few finishing touches
With the basic profile complete, it’s time to add a few finishing touches!Khi hồ sơ cơ bản hoàn tất, đã đến lúc thêm một vài nét hoàn t...

every few minutes
Your post will be autosaved every few minutes.Bài viết của bạn được tự động lưu lại mỗi 1 phút. 11% report checking their phone every ...

for a few dollars more
For a few dollars more, you might as well buy something better.Thêm một ít tiền, bạn có thể mua được loại tốt hơn. For a Few Dollars M...

for the past few days
The decline has been accelerating for the past few days.Lượng oxy suy giảm quá nhanh... trong vài ngày gần đây. Litecoin has been fall...

go away for a few days
I go away for a few days and what happened?Ta đi ra ngoài mấy ngày, có chuyện gì xảy ra không? So I go away for a few days, and what h...

having few children
Singaporeans are having few children and ageing fast, so the government faces demands for more generous social-welfare provisions.Những...

offer a few remarks
Gentleman's speech upon which he wished to offer a few remarks.Nhân chuyện nói về ông Tố Hữu tôi xin góp một đôi lời.

some few years back
Miss Wilkins was one of the few remaining members of the family from whom the Anstruthers had bought the Westfield estate some few year...